Inspired Design shares the best of what exists in today's market and what we think will be the new game-changing trends for interactive systems including next generation mobile web design, augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI).  We seek to inspire targeted business investment by publishing winning strategies so your firm will grow revenue and expand your profit margins.  We demonstrate how tracking metrics and proprietary analytics will expand your competitive advantage.

We evangelize the concepts of Interactive Design.

Interactive Design is the creation of meaningful experiences typically focusing on the use of software driven tactile, speech, virtual or augmented reality based devices.  Each end to end experience features the often hidden retrieval and processing of user requested or proactively delivered information in an effort to transform the thinking or environment of your customers to achieve a specific outcome. 

Interactive design consists of six main components including user control, responsiveness, real-time interactions, connectedness, personalization, and artfulness.  Our publications will discuss 

  • Typical use and experience of the software
  • Retrieving and processing information through on-demand responsiveness
  • Acting upon information to transform it
  • The constant changing of information and media, regardless of changes in the device
  • Providing interactivity through a focus on the capabilities and constraints of human cognitive processing 


It is assumed that the platform where these interactive experiences unfold will inevitably vary - that is the choice of the provider as well as the decision of the end user.