Speculation for various forms of "wearables" - those physical add-ons that intend to supply users with enhanced vision, auditory or tactile experience - are ripe with theory and rumor. The lack of reality and availability for a modern day consumer means we're not even close friends.
Patience will pay off. Several companies - including the world's most valuable company and first to reach a trillion dollar market cap late last year (2018: AAPL becomes world's most valuable enterprise) - are placing their bets.
Case in point: Apple has long be linked to a significant effort and investment on the iLens. Their version of the augmented reality wearable glasses would meet the basic criteria of providing owners with an exciting new view into the world we walk about in everyday.
Sometimes it's less expensive and more rapid to purchase a company that has already invested heavily in the wearable glasses arena - and recently Apple whipped out it's checkbook and purchased a Denver company for an undisclosed sum. Suffice to say we see no pause in Apple's strategy here.